Virtual Bingo Ball Machine
- Play Virtual Bingo
- Bingo Ball Sets
- Virtual Bingo Ball Machine Online
- Virtual Bingo Cards
- Virtual Office Bingo
Play bingo with our virtual bingo caller This tutorial explains how to play a bingo game with our virtual bingo caller. It was designed to facilitate the organization of a bingo game, to reduce the necessary equipment and to easily validate the winning cards. You can play with virtual cards, and/or printed cards. Virtual Pinball Machines are a must have for any game-room. These machines are able to support over 1000 pinball titles. Play all of the classic tables from the 50' and 60's all the way to some of the most current titles. There are even tables made exclusively for this digital format.
It's all about bingos!
Welcome to one of the ugliest sites on the web built bysomeone who did web stuff for a living.
- Virtual Bingo and Random Number Generator is a Windows-based application that simulates the traditional bingo and number drawing equipment. Using the software, you can run your bingo games.
- Bingo Caller Machine has 60, 75 and 90 ball game modes for all types of bingo fan. Professionally recorded voiceover artists speak out the balls as they are drawn. You can choose from either traditional UK bingo calls (two little ducks, 22), US bingo calls (B-12, I-24, G-57) or just the numbers (two and three, twenty-three).
- Bingo Maker is paving the way for the future of bingo gaming. With our web platform, you can host a virtual bingo game for up to 1000 players using virtual. Players can join your game on the Games List page. When you activate the bingo caller, you can play as many games as you want for three hours.
We are talking about bingo machines here, mostly Bally, but with a few digressions into United and other manufacturers.
My main interestis the technical details and reference materials. If you are lookingfor interesting reading instead of getting bogged downin techno-babble, click over toDanny Leach's bingo siteor Ray Watts site
If reading isn't your thing, try Nick Baldridge's For Amusement Only podcast and especially look for episodes on the Multi-bingo.
Where's the little numbered balls?
Wrong kinda bingo. We are interested in pinball machinesthat look somewhat like this thing.
They have no flippers, 5+ balls, and are, umm, 'for amusementonly' (we posted a 'No Gambling Allowed' sign on the machine...that's how much we mean it!).
If you want to get the historical perspective, checkout the History link over there to the left. We've swiped articles byRuss Jensen and added some pictures. Also, Jeffrey Lawton(no, that's not me!) has published a book published by Schiffer cleverlytitled 'Bally's Bingo Pinball Machines', so it should be easyto find.
Information for each game (like schematics, manuals, flyers, score/instruction card scans/repros, mixer/reflex unit blueprints, etc.) is in the game listings and the paper summary.
A very good computer version of various machines is at Plus, he's building in a method for using the software with a real playfield and cabinet so you can add a computer and display to create a multiple game machine.
What's new
Here's as good a place as any for those ancient-school little'what's new' images!
Danny Chandler bought Randy Walker's new-in-box Miss Universe and is continuing the documentation process. Reflex unit diagram posted - and can of worms opened as his machine doesn't match the schematic that came with the game. | 02/19/21 |
Dennis Dodel provided good SI card scans for United Mexico, Tahiti, Havana and Rio. Cards for Leader and ABC added on 2/28. Posted on pages in the game listings. | 02/17/21 |
Jack Shoup got hold of another Venice, so the mixer 5 question is resolved and the odd/even reflex unit diagram has been created and posted. Jack provided lots more internal pictures, including both sides of the odd/even circuit board. | 01/23/21 |
Mixer and reflex unit diagrams for Venice provided by Jack Shoup. Orient uses the same mixers. Actually, Jack cut the entiremixer assembly and reflex unit out of a parts head and mailed them to me. Worked great except mixer 5 has two 14-x wires attached, so I had to guess which was which. Anyone with a Venice or Orient can verify I got it wrong. Jack didn't have a cabinet, so no info on the odd/even reflex unit yet. | 11/15/20 |
Information for mixer 1 & 2 diagrams for Can-Can provided by Jack Shoup. Diagrams posted. | 11/8/20 |
The Pacific Pinball Museum's Bally Yacht Club chopped up. Unit diagrams and info posted. Still need to do shutter/ball lift timing diagrams. | 2/27/20 |
The Pacific Pinball Museum's Williams Long Beach overhaul completed. Unit diagrams and info posted. This game they will not sell. | 4/30/19 |
Old entries are hoarded in case you missed them
Bingo Machine 90, aptly named after the classic 90-ball game, is a free bingo machine courtesy of Featuring a built-in caller, this no-frills piece of software might not win any distinguished awards, but the simplicity of minimal design means it’s easy to use. What really counts is it more than serves its purpose: transforming dull evenings into nights of fun and games. Beer, wine and snacks: optional.

Don’t judge a book by its cover: under the hood
One advantage about Bingo Machine 90’s design is that it loads quick and doesn’t use much data, which is great if you’ve got limited internet usage. The clutter-free screen displays modern navigation buttons and all the functions you need to play a riveting game of 90-ball bingo. Play it alone or with friends and family.
How Bingo Machine 90 works
The bingo caller works in the same way any human one does. The main differences being that you can also operate it like any audio or media device; meaning you can do what anyone who’s ever played in a frantic bingo hall wishes they could do: hit the pause button (and gain composure).
Controls during the bingo round
There are 5 buttons to control play: start game, pause, play, next ball, reset board. To the right displays the current call, below is a speed control slider, and at the bottom is a black digital display highlighting called numbers. Just hit play when you’re ready. Next you’ll hear your caller; female with an American accent. If you don’t want her to keep calling, press pause, and use ‘next ball’ to draw numbers manually.
Play Virtual Bingo
Speed selection for auto-draw
Of course, the beauty about Bingo Machine 90 is the auto-draw function, creating the effect of being at a proper bingo game. Without this, it wouldn’t make the grade. But better still is the speed control, perfect for when you need the world to spin slower, or if you’re feeling mean, you can speed it up and test your bingo rivals, Olympic-style.
Loads of free tools and information, in short, is an independent, bingo-crazy website. Besides Bingo Machine 90, they also have free 75 and 90-ball bingo cards in all your favourite colours ready to print, including useful instructions how to print them. On the same page includes details about game types, covering: how you win, how to use the card, and how the prize hierarchy is structured.
Not a gaming website, but… doesn’t have CGI-quality graphics like online casinos because it’s not a gaming site. But what they do is deliver everything you need to play a fun game of bingo. And if you want to play interactive bingo on a gaming site, they list the latest promotions with links to some of the biggest names and offers in the industry, including free daily games.
Bingo Ball Sets
Off line, on the road
It’s always nice to have an online tool you don’t need to be online to use. Once it’s loaded, if you’ve set up your system to hibernate or standby, it still functions properly when you need it. This is great for mobile and limited data plans. Essentially, you’ve got a free mobile bingo machine you can take on a road trip. Just load the screen, print your bingo cards, then off you go. Play on the beach, on a hilltop, in a tent; anywhere.
Operating systems and devices
Virtual Bingo Ball Machine Online
Like any good website, you can access Bingo Machine 90 on most operating systems. However, it’s worth noting that, although the bingo caller and most functions work fine, the layout works best on larger screens, such as laptops and tablets. There’s no mention of an app, but you can be sure it’s in the making.
Virtual Bingo Cards
Everything you need to play a good game of bingo
Virtual Office Bingo
The only way to decide if Bingo Machine 90 is for you is to give it a try. We’ve come a long way since we had to pull pieces of paper out of a bowl. Today, it’s a timeless game gone digital. The only thing you need to think about is what the prizes will be, and whether to put on some lippy.