Elks Lodge Bingo Near Me
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Play Bingo @ the Elks Lodge, w/ Flashboards & Pull Tabs!
Every Thursday Night – 6:00 pm
The Lodge is located at 38991 Farwell Drive, Fremont CA 94536 in Southern Alameda County.
. BINGO UPDATE - SEPTEMBER 18, 2020. We would like to THANK the PEOPLE that showed up on September 15 to play BINGO. Even though we had to close because of the low numbers, We do APPRECIATE everyone that did show up. BINGO at the Portland Elks Lodge #188 will be POSTPONED until further notice. Bangor Maine Elks Lodge. Conveniently located near the Bangor International Airport, we would like to welcome to the Bangor Elks Lodge. As part of the Elks organization, our Bangor Lodge is very involved in veterans and family activities. Like other Elks Clubs, we are a place where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children.
The Best Bingo Night of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California.
Directions: From Highway 880 take Mowry Ave. East. Turn left (North) on Farwell.
Safe and Secure Parking Lot w/ Security.
Hot Meals are available for all Bingo Players and Elks Members – Reasonably priced @ $10.00 per plate.
Sorry, but the Elks Bar & Lounge is closed to the general public, the Lounge is a Private Club for Members Only.
Bingo Games Played at the Fremont Elks
75 Number Bingo
Players are provided with bingo cards that have a grid of five horizontal rows and five vertical columns. The columns are lettered B I N G O across the top with each letter corresponding to each of the column. Each bingo card has five numbers in each row except the N column which has a “free space” in the middle square.
Bingo balls are individually numbered 1-75 and are mixed together; then, they are randomly selected one at a time. As each ball is selected, the caller announces the number to the players. Each player then dabs or marks the corresponding numbers on their bingo card(s) using a bingo ink marker or ink dabber.
How to Play
At the beginning of each game or session, a predetermined playing pattern is announced along with the available prize. When a player dabs all of the numbers on the card in the correct predetermined playing pattern, that player yells out “Bingo!” Once the winning bingo card is verified as being correct, that player then wins the game and the prize.
In order to win the game of bingo, a player must dab five spaces in a vertical column, a horizontal row or along one of the two diagonals of the bingo card. The “free space” in the center of each bingo card is considered “wild” and can be used with other dabbed spaces to create other winning patterns.
There are many winning patterns that can be used in the game of bingo. For example, the winning pattern can be shaped to form a letter X, T or L. It is also popular to play “coverall” or “blackout” games in which the players must dab all 24 numbers on the bingo card in order to win the game.
The caller of the bingo game will clearly identify the playing patterns for that particular game or session. A flashboard and television monitors are throughout the Elks bingo hall to assist the players by displaying this information during the game and/or session.
Pull Tabs
The Elks bingo hall also sell pull tab tickets during and in between bingo sessions. Pull tabs are similar to lottery tickets in that players can win prizes instantly. This extra game adds additional excitement to the bingo session while increasing the players’ chance of winning more prizes.
A fraternal order with a million members and a history spanning from 1868!
A network of more than 2000 lodges in communities all over the United States.
A generous charitable foundation that each year gives millions in educational scholarships, to veterans and more.
Our Mission...

To follow 4 cardinal virtues: Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love & Fidelity.
The Elks is a non Political, non-sectarian and strictly American fraternity. Proposal for membership is via a member in good standing. To be accepted to the Elks, one must be an American Citizen, believe in God, be of good moral character and be at least 21 years old.
What We Do...
The Elks donates millions of dollars every year to benevolent, educational and patriotic community-minded programs in fields such as benefiting handicapped children, sponsoring Elks National Foundation scholarships, athletic teams, veterans programs and occupational therapy programs and patriotic programs.
Lodge & Functions Manager - Paul Sanford manager.natickelks@comcast.net

Lodge Exalted Ruler - Brian M. Kelly
Lodge Secretary - Butch Donovan secretary.natickelks@comcast.net
Lodge Phone Number: 508-653-9792
Lodge Manager, Paul Sanford: x200

Elks Lodge Bingo Near Me Locations
Lodge Exalted Ruler, Brian Kelly: x209
Lodge Secretary, Butch Donovan: x205
Elks Lodge Bingo Near Me Yellow Pages
Grill Room/Bar: x202
Elks Lodge Bingo Near Me Directions
Function Hall Rental: x215